About Hood Fighting:

So disappointed by this game. It has such a cool concept and fun ideas. Very nice gameplay, but unfortunately the multiplayer (which is basically why you would purchase this game) is DEAD. I 1.5 hour matchmaking and it keeps saying failed to matchmake. No games, it feels like no one is playing this game but me. Such a waste because I was really looking forward to playing it.The good thing is that I got refunded so I have no problem, but still a Waste of time waiting for it to download and not get my money back until after 7 days.My advice: DO NOT buy this game. You’ll only regret it. And even if yo do, try to matchmake in the first 2 hours, so that you can get a refund if you choose to. I really tried to like this game. The trailer made it look fantastic, and the premise seemed so cool. But in the end, it seemed to fall flat, for me. Sneaking around, fighting guards and doing stealth kills is fun and all, but doing so just to steal a big box of treasure, where there isn’t really a clear winner or loser (because whoever gets the treasure into the boat on the last bit of cranking, “wins,” just left me feeling bored and unaccomplished. All of that so I could maybe get new skins or something. I think the problem is that H:O&L tries to be a little bit of many things, and doesn’t really deliver on any of them. Is it a time-waster fps? Sort of, but there’s PvE and a stealth mechanic and very very few weapons and (at least when I played it) very little variety in maps or heroes, or anything, really. Is it a rpg? Sort of. . . there are elements of such, with getting experience points and money to upgrade your hideout or your items, but in reality, there isn’t any longevity or long game.I liked sniping people as Robin. That was pretty fun. Beyond that, the game seems tedious and unrewarding. The graphics were alright, and the scenery and backgrounds are beautiful. The idea is novel. But the game didn’t do anything for me.

How to run Hood Fighting roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat