About Counter Strike Source PC Game Download Free:

This game in the Counter Strike trilogy was a complete flagship killer due to a completely new idea and change of game. After the great success of Counter Strike 1.6, Value decided to release a better and improved version of Counter Strike. And Counter Strike Source free download was off the charts first person shooting game released on November 1, 2004. The initial idea of the game remained the same in Counter Strike free download, where players would choose to play either as Terrorists or Counter-Terrorists.However Counter Strike Source download free eith single direct link is a highly team cooperative game, where players will have to cooperate each others strategically to win rounds.Now get more full unlocked steam games with World of pc games.co The primary objective in Counter Strike Source free download is to win more rounds than the opponent team to be victorious. Players in Counter Strike free download will have to wait until the next round is started once they get killed. In the start of the game players can buy different riles, pistols and extra secondary weapons by money earned from killing opponent players. And surprisingly unlike other FPS games Counter Strike Global Offensive free download focuses on accuracy highly. Players will have to stand still or couch in Counter Strike Global Offensive free download to get a clean shot at enemies. One can also play online competitive mode of Counter Strike Global Offensive PC game download. And so to conclude, Counter Strike Source free download was the flagship killer but not any more. There was once a guy i met in a normal game. I played versus him. We had quite some fun, i won the game after a while, his teammates flamed him in all chat to report him, but he seemed very friendly and just overall a good guy. So i’ve added him after the match and we talked a bit. It shocked me what he told me. This guy, went through so much that i didn’t even know what to say. Since he was a kid, his family told him that he is trash, that he is useless and he would never achieve anything in life, that he only brings trouble to the family and why he doesn’t kill himself already. His parents also were very violent and hit him almost daily. Since myself had a hard time at that moment, i just could relate to him even more. All he did every day was laying in bed, listening to music and playing css. It was not easy for me to help him since he was already in such deep depression for years.I don’t know what happened exactly happend cause we didn’t play together these last days, but man he got really upset. He wrote me a message with the words that he is quitting css and will kill himself. I tried to contact him but till now i got no response. I know him well enough to know that he wouldn’t joke about such things, but i don’t know what to think or feel now. Everytime i play css i think about him and what happend to him.

Counter Strike Source PC Game pre-installed:

I recently started to play CS:S again and I switch from CS:GO to CS:S from time to time depending on my mood for that moment. The first very important thing that came up to my mind was how friendly the community still is. In CS:GO I rarely join a server where people just play their game and have fun in a joyful harmony with a friendly atmosphere. No salt, no toxicity. I recently played many hours and nobody was calling others noobs or were insulting anyone whereas in CS:GO even on simple Deathmatch servers there are these toxic kids in delayed puberty judging everyones gameplay without any provocation. Then you have these blatant cheaters even in casual mode, joining especially at nights to wallbang ace every round just for the trolling fun of it. A game I owned back in 04, pirated when I got hacked and lost my account, this account is the lasted one I made and it just feels good to buy it and play again. I’ve played 1.6 and Source a lot when I was younger and I really wish I could put more hours into this, alas the future of Counter Strike is shaping to omething different. However when I wake up at 2 am in the morning without any sleeping. I’ll get out of bed, power my pc, put on my headset and open up Counter Strike: Source. Just like when I was younger, and meet new people, play competitively, and love every bit of it. This game… aswell as 1.6 will forever hold a special place in my heart.  

Counter Strike Source Free Download Features:

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